Becoming a Freemason

The initial step towards becoming a Freemason is expressing a desire to join the fraternity. The reasons that compel a man to seek membership are diverse and personal, reflecting his unique interests and needs. Some men may join to associate with others who believe in self-improvement as a means of bettering the world. Others may join as a means of fulfilling their charitable inclinations, while still others may be drawn to the strong sense of history and tradition. Many are inspired to join after witnessing a friend or relative who is a Freemason, and the way in which he lived his life.

Once an individual becomes an active member, he discovers a bond of brotherly affection and a community of mutual support, which serves as a practical extension of his own religious and social beliefs. To learn more about the ideals of Freemasonry, please read the “Ideal of a Freemason” located on the “What Is It” page. While this ideal was written over a century ago, it still represents what draws many to Freemasonry. It is important to keep in mind that this is an ideal to strive for, and while some Freemasons may fall short of this goal, they all remain committed to a path that leads to this ideal. Freemasons do not view themselves as superior to others, but they do hold themselves to high standards.

Join our Lodge

To join the Yellowknife Freemasons Lodge you will need to express an active interest; we do not solicit membership. To get in touch, fill out our web form. Ensure you include your age, address and reasons to become a Freemason. You can also contact an exisiting member.

To be eligible to participate in the mysteries of Freemasonry, an applicant must “be a man, of the full age of 21 years, free born and capable of supporting himself and those dependent upon him,” and express a belief in a supreme being.